This section is taken from "Winning Against Worry", a workbook from the Worry Intervention Trial. Please see the page footer for full details.
For instance, imagine dropping a pen on the ground. Let's worry about it! Let's ask ourselves 'What bad thing could happen?' and keep asking that question. Try it and see to what an extreme extent worrying can lead you!
It is possible to worry about the smallest things. Equally, it is possible to worry about good things too!
Now imagine winning the lottery. That's got to be great - hasn't it? Let's try worrying about it - what bad things could happen?
These exercises can teach us a lot about worry. Most worriers find it possible to reach very extreme results just worrying about something as inconsequential as dropping a pen, or as life-changingly wonderful as winning the lottery.
It seems that worry comes very naturally to some of us, but it is easy for our worry to get out of control. It usually feeds on our negativity bias and focuses our minds on negative and unhelpful concepts.
If worrying always just takes us to the negative, the unhelpful and the distressing... why do we do it?
It might just be habit. We've done it for years, perhaps our parents did it. It's familiar and feels necessary. Switching it off doesn't even enter our minds or it seems impossible.
However, very importantly, many people start a period of worry for a reason. They may have a motivation. They believe worry can help in some way.
But once worry starts, for some people the positives seem to disappear and worry starts to feel more of a problem.
Here are some examples of extreme worry, shared by people on